About Risehands

Shape the Future:
Be Part of Our Events and Programs

Join our events and programs to make a meaningful impact. Your participation helps drive positive change and supports our mission. Together, we can achieve great things!

Support our cause with a donation to advance charitable and environmental initiatives for a significant impact.

Volunteer your time and skills to help us achieve our mission. Your efforts drive meaningful change in our community.

"ECO Caring" delves into ecofeminism and aesthetics, exploring how these perspectives shape our environmental.

Join our programmes to engage in impactful initiatives, develop new skills. Your participation makes a difference.

Got Questions?

We're Here to Help!

What is OneGlobe OneLife Foundation’s mission?
Our mission is to protect and enrich the planet and the lives of its inhabitants through sustainable solutions across environmental conservation, healthcare, education, women empowerment, mental health, and general welfare.
How can I get involved with your programs?
You can get involved by volunteering, attending our events, participating in our programs, or making a donation. Visit our website for more information on how to get involved.
How can I donate to OneGlobe OneLife Foundation?
Donations can be made through our website via secure online payment options. You can choose to donate to specific programs or to our general fund.
Where are your programs and events held?
Our programs and events are held across various locations, primarily in Chennai and other areas of Tamil Nadu. Check our website or event pages for specific locations and dates.
How can I become a volunteer?
You can sign up to become a volunteer by filling out the volunteer registration form on our website. We offer various opportunities depending on your interests and availability.
Our Projects

Community Clean-Up Drive

What was the Community Clean-Up Drive?
The Community Clean-Up Drive was an initiative organized by OneGlobe OneLife Foundation to mobilize volunteers for cleaning local parks, beaches, and urban areas.
When did the Community Clean-Up Drive take place?
The event took place in June 2023.
Where was the event held?
The clean-up drive was conducted across various locations in Chennai.
What were the results of the drive?
Participants collected more than 2 tons of waste, which significantly improved the local environment and raised awareness about waste management and environmental stewardship.
How can I get involved in future clean-up events?
To participate in future clean-up drives or similar events, please visit our website or contact us for more information on upcoming opportunities.
Our Projects

Health and Wellnes Camp

What was the Health and Wellness Festival?
The Health and Wellness Festival was an event organized by OneGlobe OneLife Foundation that offered free health screenings, fitness classes, and wellness workshops to promote healthy living.
When did the Health and Wellness Festival take place?
The festival was held in September 2023.
How many people attended the festival?
Over 800 individuals attended the Health and Wellness Festival.
What was the goal of the festival?
The goal of the festival was to promote healthy living and provide valuable resources to help individuals maintain their physical and mental health.
How can I participate in future wellness events?
For information on upcoming wellness events and how to participate, please visit our website or contact us directly.